It's nearly finals time! Good luck to all the teams making it through to finals rounds.
Congratulations to all our recent 100 gamers! What an amazing achievement
Save the date! Junior Presentation will be Sunday 30th March. Details coming soon.
Seniors/Inters Presentation date coming soon!
Get your votes in for this year's 'Savvas Spirit Award' and the 'Karen Denwood Award'. Link to voting form and criteria available below.
It's nearly finals time! Good luck to all the teams making it through to finals rounds. ~ Congratulations to all our recent 100 gamers! What an amazing achievement ~ Save the date! Junior Presentation will be Sunday 30th March. Details coming soon. ~ Seniors/Inters Presentation date coming soon! ~ Get your votes in for this year's 'Savvas Spirit Award' and the 'Karen Denwood Award'. Link to voting form and criteria available below. ~
We are now calling for all SNC Annual Club Award Nominations, including the Olivia Savvas Spirit Award (senior club person of the year) and the Karen Denwood Award (junior club person of the year).
Merch & Uniforms
Here you’ll find information about the club uniform as well as all the cool merch you can buy to make sure we stand out while up at the courts.
Honour Roll
Review the club’s Honour Roll for a look back in time of all our awards and recognition that have been acknowledged over the years.
Everything you need to know as a player, coach, umpire, parent or spectator.
What's Happening?
Keep in touch with all the fantastic social and fundraising events going on and make sure you get those diary dates down so you can support our great club.
Net Set Go
Looking for a local NetSetGO club? We’ve got you covered and were recent finalists in the 2022 Netball SA Woolworths NetSetGO Centre of The Year Award.
Check here for details on how you can become a club sponsor and what’s in it for you.